紹介論文 2019(平成31/令和元)年度
紹介論文 2019(平成31/令和元)年度
Patients receiving frequent hemodialysis have better health-related quality of life compared to patients receiving conventional hemodialysis
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-04-22/大西/Kidney International
Exploring feacal incontinence in nursing home patients: a cross sectional study of prevalence and associations derieved from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-05-11/山野/JAN
Working with people with learning disabilities in varying degrees of security: nurses' perceptions of competencies
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-05-27/三輪/JAN
The association between Open Dialogue to young Danes in acute psychitric crisis and their use of health care and social services: A retrospecrtive register-based cohort study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-06-15/松下/International Journal of Nursing Studies
Association of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders and Hospital Mortality Rate Among Patients With Pneumonia
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-06-24/松岡/JAMA Intern Med
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europian countries: a retorospective observational study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-07-06/竹内/LANCET
A comparison of the management of venous leg ulceration by specialist and generalist community nurses: A judement analysis
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-07-22/門野/International Journal of Nursing Studies
Middle contributors to socioeconomic differences in fraility during later life: a prospective cohort study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-08-03/深山/LANCET Public Health
Association of clinical Factors with the cost of Kidney Transpiantation in the Crrent Era
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-09-14/池田/AnnTransplant
Patterns snd Predictors of Frailty Transitions in Older Men: The Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-09-30/吉行/JAGS
Exeicise intervention in the management of urinary incontinence in older women in villages in Bangladesh: a cluster randomised trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-10-28/山野/Lancet Glob Health
Effect of Home Noninvasive Ventilation With Oxygen Therapy vs Oxygen Therapy Alone on Hospital Readmission or Death Affter an Acute COPD Exacerbation A Randomized Clinical Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-11-07/大西/JAMA
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of nurse-led care involving education and engagement of patients and a treat-to-target urate-lowering strategy versus usual care for gout: a randomised controlled trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-11-09/三輪/Lancet
Effect of a Community Agency-Administerd Nurse Home Visitation Program on Program Use and Maternal and Infant-Health Outcomes A Randomized Clinical Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-12-14/松下/JAMA Network
Geriatric assessment is superior to oncologists' clinical judgement in identifyling frailty
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-12-23/門野/British Jounal of Cancer
Predictors of Self-Management among Kidney Transplant Recipients
【月日/担当/Journal】 2020-01-11/池田/Urology Journal
【巻(号)/ページ/年】16 No.4/366-370/2019
Financial Strain, Employment, and Role Captivity and Overload Over Time Among Dementia Family Caregivers
【月日/担当/Journal】 2020-01-27/深山/The Gerontlogist
【巻(号)/ページ/年】59 No.5/e512-e520/2019
A Randomized Trial of a family-Support Intervention in Intensive Care Units
【月日/担当/Journal】 2020-02-08/松岡/The New England Journal of Medicine
【巻(号)/ページ/年】378 No.25/2365-2375/2018
Self-reported confidence in patient safety knowledge among Australian undergraduate nursing students: A multi-site cross-sectional survey study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2020-03-02/竹内/International Journal of Nursing Studies