紹介論文 2015(平成27)年度
紹介論文 2015(平成27)年度
Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients after Kidney Transplantation in Comparison with Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-4-20/池田/Ann Trans plant
Life-Space Mobility and Mortality in Older Men: A Prospective Cohort Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-5-11/矢野/JAGS
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 62/1288-1296/2014
Multilevel Examination of Facility Characteristics, Social Integration, and Health for Older Adults Living in Nursing Homes
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-5-25/井上/J Gerontol
Combinations of Long-Term Care Insurance Services and Associated Factors in Japan: A Classification Tree Model
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-6-8/吉行/BMC
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 14/doi:10.1186/1472-6963-14-382/2014
The Impact of Being the Intermediate Caring Generation and Intergenerational Transfers on Self-Reported Health of Woman in Ireland
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-6-29/菅野/Int J Public Health
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 59/301-308/2014
Underweight/Overweight and the Risk of Long-Term Care: Follow-up Study Using Data of the Japanene Long-Term Care Insurance System
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-7-13/藤田/Geratrics Gerontology
Results of the Promoting Effective Advance Care Planning for Elders(PEACE)Randomized Pilot Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-7-27/濱吉/Popul Health Manag
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 17(2)/doi:10.1089/pop.2013.0017 /2014
Development of Self-Management Scale for Kidney Transplant Recipients, Including Management of Post-Transplantation Chronic Kidney Disease
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-9-29/池田/ISRN Transplantation
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 /doi:org/10.5402/2013/619754/2013
Association of Psychosocial Conditions, Oral Health, and Dietary Variety with Intellectual Activity in Older Community-Dwelling Japanese Adults
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-10-19/矢野/PLOS ONE
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 10(9)/e0137656/2015
Are Neighborhood Bonding and Bridging Social Capital Protective Against Depressive Mood in Older Age? A Multilevel Analysis in Japan
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-11-1/井上/Social Science&Medicine
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 124/171-179/2015
Workplace Violence and Occupational Stress in Healthcare Workers: A Chicken-and-Egg Situation-Results of a 6-Year Follow-up Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-11-30/武/J Nurs Scholarship
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 46(5)/366‐376/2014
Effect of a 24-Month Physical Activity Intervention vs Health Education on Cognitive Outcomes in Sedentary Older Adults The LILE Randomized Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2015-12-28/福島/JAMA
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 314(8)/ 781-790/2015
Effect of Clinical Factors on Psychosocial Variables in Renal Transplant Recipients
【月日/担当/Journal】 2016-1-4/池田/J Adv Nurs
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 /2585-2596/2009
Eating Alone as Social Disengagement is Strongly Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Japanene Community-Dwelling Older Adults
【月日/担当/Journal】 2016-2-8/矢野/JAMDA
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 16/578-585/2015
The Role of Intervening Hospital Admissions on Trajectories of Disability in the Last Year of Life: Prospective Cohort Study of Older People
【月日/担当/Journal】 2016-2-22/吉行/BMJ
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 350/h2361/2015